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To do this, keep a training diary. Now it is convenient to do this using various applications and smart watches, but you can purchase a simple notepad. Write down every workout there: what you did, how many kilometers you ran, how much weight you squatted with, and so on. Come up with metrics and sum up the intermediate results for weeks and months – so you can see your progress, track what progress you have achieved in a month, six months, a year. And praise yourself for a job well done.

Focus on the process

Put your smartphone away for the duration of your workout and get to work. Try not to be distracted by external stimuli, think about how to do the exercise, how to breathe, follow your feelings, control the technique of movements. A well-done workout inspires a sense of pride. And the case that makes you feel like a superhero, you will definitely love.
How to fall in love with training: life hacks of the master of sports.

Record achievements

Run 10 km in less than 50 minutes? Learned to dive with a fish? Pulled up 10 times without jerking? Did you sit on the longitudinal twine? All these are great achievements, the significance of which cannot be underestimated. Now you know that you can. Remember this day and the feelings you experience. Write them down in a diary or go even further, like getting a tattoo in honor of overcoming IronMan. Love your new ability, your strength, and the skill you have achieved.

Show off, of course.

It is no coincidence that people so often post their workouts on Instagram: likes and comments in the style of “How cool you are! I can’t do that” is also a source of motivation. Not only is recognition nice in itself, you will want to receive it over and over again. And if you inspire someone to lead a sports lifestyle with your example, it will make your activities even more meaningful. So feel free to take a selfie after a good lap or put out a medal from the next race – let everyone see that you are doing great.

Treat yourself

Fitness apps often give rewards for completed workouts, but you can develop your own reward system: for example, if you were able to wake up early and work out before work, treat yourself to the most delicious coffee. If you haven’t missed a single workout in a month, reward yourself with new running shoes. Such bonuses will encourage you to work further. In addition, in a properly designed program there will be both light workouts and those that, at the mere thought of which, you will think that you once agreed to it in vain: too long, too intense, or with too much weight. But if you can handle this, then you definitely deserve at least a delicious dinner.

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