Как полюбить тренировки: лайфхаки мастера спорта. Изображение номер 3

The result from training will only be if you exercise regularly. To do this, you need to make sports a lifestyle. But how to achieve this if the next subscription to the hall is gathering dust on the shelf, and each lesson is torture for you? Lena Kalashnikova, Master of Sports in 42.2 km track and field athletics and editor of The Challenger, tells how to love training.
– I started running almost 7 years ago and fell in love with it immediately. At first, running, especially for long distances, seemed to me a rather monotonous and boring type of activity, because all I had to do in the process was rearrange my legs for 30, 40, 50 minutes, or even 3-4 hours. Nevertheless, it was on the example of jogging that I realized how to immerse myself in the training process and not quit halfway. I’m telling you what will help you fall in love with training and exercise with pleasure.
How to fall in love with training: life hacks of the master of sports.

1. Start exercising regularly

Any training is physical labor, sometimes quite hard. That is why your subconscious mind can resist every time you are going to the gym, coming up with yet another reason why you will not have time to go there today. Your goal is to make activity a habit. It usually takes 21 days to form a habit, but be prepared for the fact that sports can be more difficult and take longer. Make a promise to yourself that for two months on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays (or any other days according to your schedule) you will train, and only then decide whether to continue. At the same time, be realistic: if the hall is located on the other side of the city and you will need to get through traffic jams, you are unlikely to be able to fulfill the promise. Take care to reduce the number of obstacles in your path: choose a pool near the office, get the necessary equipment for home workouts, always carry sportswear in the trunk of a car.

2. Train properly

Balance is important in sports. Too high a load will quickly lead you into a state of overtraining, and too low will not give the body an impulse for development, and with it the result, which may cause the stimulus to disappear. That is why it is so important to choose a program that suits your level of training and goals. You can, of course, study the relevant literature and plan your workouts on your own, but it will be easier and more correct to contact a qualified trainer. How to choose a coach and how to build interaction with him – read on The Challenger.

3. Recover well

No activity will bring you joy if you are exhausted or injured. You have probably heard that recovery is an important part of the training process. But what does this mean? That you get enough rest between workouts, namely, sleep 7-8 hours a day, eat right, pay attention to recovery procedures: go to the bath or sauna, do massage, do myofascial release and stretching. Insufficient recovery will either lead to injury over time or reduce the quality of the next workout, and therefore slow down your progress. And if there is no result, then why love these torments?
How to fall in love with training: life hacks of the master of sports.

4. Act smart

Even if you promised yourself not to miss a workout, remember that in some cases it is necessary to cancel the class. For example, if you get sick, no amount of training will do you any good: you will waste your energy, which should go to fight viruses and bacteria. It would be more correct to take care of yourself, lie down in order to recover as soon as possible and return to your usual mode.
Another tip: choose the load according to your emotional state. If you have not slept all night or are nervous, then it is better to replace an intense and hard workout with a calm one.

5. Notice the benefits you get

Any physical activity – running, swimming, strength training – in the long term improves your well-being and mood due to the release of endorphins. Outdoor activities also allow you to enjoy nature. In addition, regular exercise and a responsible approach to recovery will require you to adhere to sleep and nutrition, which will also positively affect the quality of life. Pay attention to these changes and remember your feelings. You will become healthier, more alert, more productive and happier, it will be easier for you in everyday affairs: you will not get tired climbing stairs or carrying heavy bags. And, of course, with each workout, you will get closer to the figure of your dreams or any other goal that you set for yourself.

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